SEO Article

White Hat SEO:

An SEO tactic, technique or method is considered as White Hat if it follows the followings
  • If it conforms to the search engine's guidelines. are confirmed
  • If it does not involves any deception.
It ensures that the content a search engine indexes and subsequently ranks is the same content a user will see.
  • it is to improve the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines
  • It ensures that a Web Page content should have been created for the users and not just for the search engines.
  • It ensures the good quality of the web pages
  • It ensures the useful content available on the web pages
    Optimization techniques are highly tuned to the dominant search engines in the target market
    it is sometimes also called it copyrighting because most of the techniques that are used to promote sites in search engines deal with text.

Always follow a White On 17/oct/1994 Search King filed suit in the United States District Court, Western District of Oklahoma, against the search engine Google. Search King's claim was that Google's tactics to prevent spam dexirng constituted a tutorials interference with contractual relations. On 27/may/2003 the court granted Google's motion to dismiss the complaint because Search King "failed to state a claim upon which relief may be granted

i know that there are a lot of person who just search here and there and don't take things seriously and that is why me writing this line in last portion of this it's tips and tutorials segment 


If you want to list down your Book, Website or any other resources related to Search Engine Optimization then please contact us
·         Google Webmaster Guidelines - A list of guidelines which will help you to optimize your site for googlebot.
·          Article from Wikipedia - A nice article  from Wikipedia. It has other useful links as well.
·          Professionals - This is  non-profit organization of search engine marketers founded in April, 2001.
·         Wiki Page for SEO related Concepts - Find many other concepts related to SEO.
 Resource Directory - A list of various useful SEO resources

Who Uses this
If a website is currently ranked 10 on Google for the search phrase, "how to make egg rolls," but wants to rise to 1, this websites needs to consider. Because search engines have become more and more popular on the web, nearly anyone trying to get seen on the web can benefit from a little loving.

How Search Engines Work-    The first basic truth you need to know to learn SEO is that search engines are not humans. While this might be obvious for everybody, the differences between how humans and search engines view web pages aren't. Unlike humans, search engines are text-driven. Although technology advances rapidly, search engines are far from intelligent creatures that can feel the beauty of a cool design or enjoy the sounds and movement in movies. Instead, search engines crawl the Web, looking at particular site items (mainly text) to get an idea what a site is about. This brief explanation is not the most precise because as we will see next, search engines perform several activities in order to deliver search results crawling, indexing, processing, calculating relevancy, and retrieving

This document is intended for webmasters and site owners who want to investigate the issues of search engine optimization and promotion of their resources. It is mainly aimed at beginners, although I hope that experienced webmasters will also find something new and interesting here. There are many articles on seo on the Internet and this text is an attempt to gather some of this information into a single consistent document

That's way

First, search engines (crawl)  the Web to see what is there. This task is performed by the piece of software, called a crawler or a spider Spiders follow links from one page to another and index everything they find on their way. Having in mind the number of pages on the Web (over 40 billion), it is impossible for a spider to visit a site daily just to see if a new page has appeared or if an existing page has been modified, sometimes crawlers may be not end up visiting site for a month or two.

It is a techniques which is helps search engines find and rank your site higher than the millions of other sites in response to a search query. Its helps you to get traffic from the search engines like Google, youtube, etc 

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